posted : Thursday 19 January 2012
title : 19th January 2012
A great day it supposed to be. Ignored the incident early in the morning which was being fucked up by mommy. It's okay because she knows nothing about my sickness. No one knows and guess, nobody gonna knows about it. My head hurts every single minutes and it often causing my nose to bleed. Everyone sees my life moving on perfectly awesomely smooth but my life sucks when it comes to something which a girl who I love so much doesn't even understands me. That hurts me the most especially when you're repeating you mistakes. What can I do when what I will get in return is just a sorry? A sorry from you is like everything. To be frank darling, do you have brain? Or is this what we called as karma? Where when I used to screw people up by saying them thinking by using their anus and what comes in return is you, my girlfriend who's the one thinking without using her brain but anus instead? Wonder why can't you just stay at home when you going the place which will only worry me and add on, you're not going there for any games. Sitting down there just to chit chat? Making no sense to me.
Well, I couldn't continue with all these when tears are flowing down to my cheek. 

Goodnight and please, do not hurt me anymore please. Please.

posted : Tuesday 10 January 2012
title : 10th January 2012
Back with a post and working my ass to update my blog right here, right now. Everything seems pretty fine lately. Richard and Suren were both caught in a car crash but thank God, no injuries except for some bruises on the hand and neck. You guys take care! 

People been questioning about me, acting as if they are concerning about my life. Well, it's just the some of them. I know who's the sincere one and the so-called sincere one. I don't need fake concern or whatsoever. If you're bored, tell me that I'm guessing correctly? 

Everyone is changing. Even the few of the closest buddies are now getting further away. People are like this and this is what they called as random when they are the one doing such a bullshit act. No offence but yeah, I'm saying this and isn't it obvious I'm referring to someone? So yeah, people can easily change! 

So what if you can drive? Yes, friends are all heartless. As long as they are having girls and cars on their hand, they can just dump friends aside. I realised I've been like a fuck asking for my friends to come pick me up from my house and drive me out to have an outing together last time but now I realised how stupid people are to backstab their own friend from the back. Sorry for troubling you by asking you to come pick me up from my house and wasted your fuel! Oh yeah, I did actually paid for the fuel didn't I? 
So what can I say besides saying this, FUCK YOU! 

I will soon get my license and also, I can drive. I will drive my grandma, parents and my darling for breakfast. Getting the word "friends" out from my head and enjoy my life. Thanks for treating me like a clown. I'm never your entertainment or whatsoever that might cure your boredom. Whatever shits that happened are all now a past. I'm now looking forward for a better life. I currently staying myself away from rumours and cigarettes. 

Done expressing. Loveya bloggie :)

posted : Tuesday 3 January 2012
title : 3rd January 2012 -19:13-
Situation doesn't please me and everyone doesn't feel hesitate in hurting each other. What a life in the starting of new year, 2012. 

Spent my New Year Eve counting down for the brand New Year of 2012 with a bunch of my buddies and with both of my beloved brothers, Ivan and Steph. Thanks for the night and will surely remember the moment staying over in your house Ivan! We talked about life and somehow, right words and advice from you never once I try applying it in myself. 

Came home and got into an argument with girlfriend and family. My girlfriend doesn't trust me yet she will always be telling me how suffer she is being doubt by me. I wonder if you can actually realised I'm feeling the same? Phone broken apart, from slide became into pieces. Come to think about it, I should actually control my temper but I did not. I scolded my sister and daddy like nobody's business instead. A sincere apology from me to my family on this blog, I'm sorry. 

Getting comfort last night by few of my friends was totally making me feeling awesomely better. It was like an instant medicine. Tired with arguments, for a lil while moment, I'd like to enjoy my life and the upcoming event, Chinese New Year which is just around the corner. 
That's all, more to come for updates. Keep your ass following my blog. Great day ahead, readers ;)

posted : Friday 30 December 2011
title : 4.43am
Fully awake with musics covering up my ears and computer room. Non-stop raping the replay button for the top 3 favourite songs of mine. 
Here I am to wish the world,


It's really time to hit the sack with headset on my ears. Sleeping real tight and waking up at 7am later for breakfast with family. 
Life goes on without fear. 

posted :
title : 31st December 2011
The very last day of the year 2011. Realised how great my life is going through problems like the only adventurous man on earth. Of course, I will never forget people who were behind me backing my ass up when I was in trouble. I won't list down the names, my heart knows everything. Sometimes I wonder, will people who are close to me change someday. The answer shows up today and I realised I've been too naive. Well, I will make some changes with that virus in my body ;) 

It's New Year Eve, 2.31am in the morning. Plan starting at 4pm in the evening later and 10.30pm will be in the world which is full with musics bombing my ear drums and my ass upside down so that people would start their new year by kissing my ass \m/
*and that was pretty random peeps.

New Year with new phone, new health and God, please keep the freaking cough from me. It has been haunting me since the past few months. Doctor says it's nothing serious, just because I never keep my mouth away from cold drinks. So yeah, dad's going for iPhone4S which costs him almost RM2k+ due to memory 64GB. 
This is life, nothing comes for free. Right next, I will be working my ass off to get my P license as soon as possible and quickly get a job so that I'd no longer be facing with financial problem ;)

Time to hit the sack but not that early. Maybe later. 
Loving people around me like how it used to be :)
Nights & Happy New Year Eve.

posted : Wednesday 28 December 2011
title : 29th December 2011
My very first post for this blog. 
Life isn't that easy as how we see and judge it by someone's appearance. We use to admire someone's life by just a look through their appearance without knowing how many shits they have been through before. We as humans are living in a world without justice and our life is always unfair. This is why people says, 
This is so true. Loving someone is like growing up to be mature who knows how to protect and appreciate the one we love. Their hearts are fragile and we are responsible to make sure their hearts will never be broken. 

To live on, there are a lot more shits which are called as challenges from God that we have got to face and handle. Sometimes, there are people who are really strong. Who can even keeps all the pain silently and suffer all alone without telling anyone. Perhaps, in a positive way of thinking, the person might be doing this for the sake of someone he/she loves. Sacrificing for the one we love are always something that's worth to be do as long as we can see them smiling and living on happily. 

Come over and pay a visit to my life. I'd like to talk about today. Today was the most unpredictable day with unexpected cases happening and from what I observed, a friend of mine, guess he is having a hard time there. Try to think about it, breaking up on your anniversary? It's never a good idea. Being forced to break up by parents? Well, this will only leave a deep scar on the both parties. I can see my friend is making an effort to go after her again and he told me that he might broke other promises, but he will never break the promise which he told her that he will always be there for her no matter what ; not now, not ever. 
But this couldn't be blame only on the parents because from what he told me, the girl is now getting closer to the other guy. This is always the worst situation that guys hated the most. As I can feel how he actually feels because I have been through this before. May God bless you in getting back with her. Support will always be there for you and I feel how you feels. 

You would like to know bout mine, I tell you.

When I trust someone, I will trust them fully. Never less, never more than what it's set as fully. I remember once when I broke up with my current girlfriend, I actually waited for her text messages every single second, every single minute, every single hour and every single day. But was she waiting for mine at that time, I don't know. She said she is, but how am I supposed to trust when she's actually close with another guy and chatting happily there? Few messages on your phone left with his messages, wondering why are you still keeping it. If I would have asked you, you would probably be answering me that you're lazy to delete or maybe with some lame answers? I can tell myself that I really hate myself for becoming a failure in putting the word trust on my own girlfriend. She asked me many times, how will you only trust me? what you want me to do to prove it to you? 
I need you to do nothing. The only thing you do is to think before you act and never think after you act. 

Life goes on with fear and the feeling of insecure.